crédit photos:
S. Egéa / J.M. Lahaille
Tuc de Montanèro
Itinéraire sympa au-dessus du tunnel de Vielha avec vue imprenable sur le massif de l'Aneto. On a skié un couloir sympa au passage mais globalement il faudra revenir pour le bon ski !
Arrivée au port de Vielha
Jean Marc dans le couloir
$liste_pages = array(
if($page && isset($page) && !empty($page)) {
$page_trouve = 0;
if(in_array($page, $liste_pages)) {
$page_trouve = 1;
} if(!$page_trouve) {
// a suggested mechanism for switching the moderator privileges on
$pword = "123"; // my moderator password
if ($_REQUEST['password'] == $pword) // check if password supplied by query or post
$comment_mod = true; // password supplied, moderator privileges on
$comment_mod = false; // no password, moderator privileges off
// general config of comment script
$add_comments = true; // display comment box on page
$comment_file = "comments_file.txt"; // save comments in this file
// include comment script
} else { require("../../../../comment/user.inc.php");
// a suggested mechanism for switching the moderator privileges on
$pword = "123"; // my moderator password
if ($_REQUEST['password'] == $pword) // check if password supplied by query or post
$comment_mod = true; // password supplied, moderator privileges on
$comment_mod = false; // no password, moderator privileges off
// general config of comment script
$add_comments = true; // display comment box on page
$comment_file = "comments_file.txt"; // save comments in this file
// include comment script